Welcome to Whittington Primary School, where we provide a friendly, safe and encouraging environment for all of our students and other members of our school community. Respect, Responsibility and Resilience are our three school values.
Preparing students for a changing world is essential to a successful education. We offer a guaranteed and viable curriculum, following the Victorian Curriculum. Our staff all deliver consistent lessons following our school’s agreed Instructional Model. Our strong focus on Reading, Writing, Mathematics, Science and Technology is paramount to our learning programs. Our Specialist STEM, Physical Education, Auslan and Arts programs provide all of our students the opportunity to participate in a wide range of learning opportunities. Exciting use of technology is supported throughout the curriculum and is highlighted by student access to a range of technology tools across all year levels.
Our team of professional educators and dedicated support staff take great pride in the standards of both our curriculum and extra-curricula activities. School Council has recognised the importance of maintaining the highest levels of educational expertise by providing extra funding for the ongoing professional development of our staff.
Whittington P.S has a long tradition of parental involvement, both within the classroom and in other special activities. We value the contribution made by every member of our school community.
We value the partnership that develops between our parent community and members of staff – it is this team approach to your child’s education that enables us to deliver excellence in children’s education.
The most important members of our school community are our students. Whether your child is one of our new students or someone who has been with us throughout their entire primary school education, each child is treated as a very special individual. We take great delight in watching the students developing, whilst celebrating the differences that each child brings to our school.
Whittington P.S is a great place for children, for teachers and for parents. We hope that you will soon feel very much a part of the school community.
Shannon Cormack