The first years of years of schooling is an exciting and important time for children and their families. The students have opportunities to learn life skills, make friendships and become independent learners. Learning in a classroom and belonging to a school community are key components to a successful school experience. Teacher’s create a safe and happy environment where students are valued, praised, encouraged and accepted. Our program is designed for growing and inquisitive minds, motivating students to work hard to reach their full potential.
In Prep, students learn through explicit teaching, interactions with others, experimentation, practice and play. This occurs both in the classroom and the wider school community. Priority is given to literacy and numeracy development as these are the foundations upon which further learning is built. There are also opportunities for development in physical education, visual arts, music, Auslan, technology and science.
Our students explore their social and emotional development through participation in our School Wide Positive Behaviour System.
At Whittington Primary School we value inquiry based learning. Our prep students are constantly asking questions and working together to seek answers. Our inquiry units are based around the following topics; Marvellous Me, It’s Alive, Why?, Storytelling and The World of Toys.
We value a strong connection between school and home and encourage families to get involved with their child’s education in variety of ways. Some examples include parent helpers in the classroom, volunteering at school events and excursions, attending assemblies, listening to your child read each night and becoming involved in our Kitchen Garden Program.